Facility change in healthcare is like in no other environment. Successful construction in and around your services requires a deep understanding of your business. With more than 100 full-time professionals completely committed to healthcare facility change, we understand the mission-critical nature of everything we construct for you. 你委托人的性命就取决于我们的专业知识了. 我们不会掉以轻心.
医疗保健 facility needs are diverse and becoming more so each day. Tomorrow’s healthcare client will focus on developing the best delivery solution for the specific challenge being faced. 司机们喜欢快速进入市场, 重新利用现有资产, 降低成本, access-to-care and operational excellence all have needs that require flexibility from your facility-change partners. We understand that and provide our construction services in a variety of models to best fit your drivers.
在过去的二十年里, many healthcare providers have been developing networks of primary, 二级和三级...
医疗保健规划、设计和建设(PD)&C) departments traditionally have delivered in an inconsistent...
随着医疗领域的不断变化, providers are challenged to be more accountable across the continuum...
Success as a healthcare organization relies heavily on the capability to provide quality care to patients. 和其他的一样...
对于许多医疗机构主管来说, 容量规划呈现出非常真实的一面, 具有挑战性和持续性的问题. 部门...
Hospitals find it increasingly difficult to keep balance sheets in the black while maintaining quality patient care....
当你决定买一辆新车时,你会怎么做? Perhaps, browse several dealerships to see where you can get the most value....